In God We Trust

In God We Trust
In God We Trust

Páginas Recomendadas( So Good)

martes, 21 de diciembre de 2010

New Short-Films (Counterpoint) (Punto 40)

This Image of the New Short-Films (Counterpoint)

 (Punto 40).         Original Story by: Franero

viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2010

La Historia del Cine (Parte: II)

La Historia del Cine  (Parte  II )

Por (by): © 2010 Franero



Los experimentos con película de color habían comenzado ya en 1906, pero sólo se había usado como curiosidad. Los sistemas ensayados, como el Technicolor de dos colores, fueron decepcionantes y fracasaban en el intento de entusiasmar al público. Pero hacia 1933 el Technicolor se había perfeccionado, con un sistema de tres colores comercializable, empleado por vez primera en la película La feria de la vanidad (1935), de Rouben Mamoulian, adaptación de la novela de William Makepeace Thackeray.


La popularidad del color aumentó, y durante los años cuarenta se empleó sobre todo en una serie de musicales clásicos de la MGM (Metro Goldwyn Mayer), entre los que destaca Easter Parade (Desfile de Pascua, 1948), de Charles Walters. En la década de 1950 el uso del color se generalizó tanto que prácticamente el blanco y negro quedó relegado para películas de bajo presupuesto que buscaban un realismo sereno, como Marty (1955) de Delbert Mann, sobre las aspiraciones de un carnicero del Bronx, o El hombre del brazo de oro (1955), de Otto Preminger, en la que se contaba la historia de un drogadicto.


A partir de los años sesenta, el blanco y negro quedó para crear efectos especiales en películas como Psicosis (1960) de Hitchcock, o La última película (1971), de Peter Bogdanovich. Más recientemente, lo hemos podido ver casi siempre en películas con pretensiones artísticas, como El hombre elefante (1980), de David Lynch, Toro salvaje (1980), de Martin Scorsese, La ley de la calle (1983), de Francis Ford Coppola, o Zelig (1983), de Woody Allen. 



La Historia del Cine (Parte: I)

La Historia del Cine  (Parte I)

Por (by):  © 2011 Franero

 Una película cinematográfica es una larga cinta de material flexible y transparente, que sirve de soporte a una o más capas de emulsión, sobre las que se fijan una serie de fotografías tomadas por la cámara filmadora. Dichas fotografías son ampliadas por un proyector, que restituye la sensación del movimiento original sobre la pantalla.

1823 – Culminando una serie de búsquedas y descubrimientos parciales efectuados por distintos investigadores, el francés Nicéforo Niepce, realizó una de sus primeras fotografías, con un material de sensibilidad tan baja, que debía descubrir el objetivo durante catorce horas, a pleno sol, para fijar la imagen de una naturaleza muerta.

1825 – Fitton y el Dr. Paris (Inglaterra), construyeron el primer juguete óptico, basado en estudios anteriores sobre la persistencia de la visión: el "taumátropo".

1832 – El belga Plateau y el austríaco Stampfer construyeron pequeños aparatos que reproducían el movimiento a partir de las imágenes fijas en que aquél había sido descompuesto.

1840 – A partir de ese año, aproximadamente, el tiempo de pose de las fotografías se había reducido ya a unos veinte minutos, gracias a la mayor sensibilidad de los negativos.

1895 – Los hermanos Lumiére (Francia) efectuaron durante la noche del 28 de diciembre, las primeras proyecciones públicas con el aparato de su invención, el "cinematógrafo". Esta es la fecha oficial del nacimiento del cine.

En 1896 el ilusionista francés Georges Méliès demostró que el cine no sólo servía para grabar la realidad, sino que también podía recrearla o falsearla. Con estas imaginativas premisas, hizo una serie de películas que exploraban el potencial narrativo del nuevo medio, dando inicio al cine de una sola bobina. En un estudio en las afueras de París, Méliès rodó el primer gran filme puesto en escena cuya proyección duró cerca de quince minutos: L’Affaire Dreyfus (El caso Dreyfus, 1899) y filmó Cendrillas (Cenicienta,1900) en 20 escenas.

Entre 1909 y 1912 todos los aspectos de la naciente industria estuvieron bajo el control de un trust estadounidense, la MPPC (Motion Pictures Patents Company), formado por los principales productores. Este grupo limitó la duración de las películas a una o dos bobinas y rechazó la petición de los actores de aparecer en los títulos de crédito. El trust fue desmontado con éxito en 1912 por la ley antitrust del gobierno, que permitió a los productores independientes formar sus propias compañías de distribución y exhibición, por lo que pudieron llegar hasta el público estadounidense obras europeas de calidad, como Quo vadis? (1912, de Enrico Guazzoni), de Italia, o La reina Isabel (1912), de Francia, protagonizada por la actriz Sarah Bernhardt. 

miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010

1st World AIDS day.

                                     TAKE ACTION ON 1 DECEMBER ‘10

Publishing by: @franero83

Edit by: world AIDS day. Official Web Site

 Over 90,000 people are living with HIV in the UK and new infections continue every year. World AIDS Day 2010 is all about raising awareness to tackle HIV prejudice and help stop the spread of HIV.




People are often surprised to hear that what it is really like to live with HIV. Advances in treatment mean that many people diagnosed today can expect a near normal life expectancy if they get diagnosed early and take treatment correctly. However side effects of daily treatment can have an impact. For many people with HIV it is the social consequences that can have the biggest impact - dealing with prejudice, money worries or how to tell friends and family.

                                                      Theme of Public Domain


domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

L a t i n o s in AMERICA!!!!

The Center for Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies is a research insti-

tute that works for the advancement of the study of Latin America, the Caribbean, and 

Latinos in the United States in the doctoral programs at the CUNY Graduate Center.  

One of its major priorities is to provide funding and research opportunities to Latino 

students at the Ph.D. level.    

  The Center established and helps administer an interdisciplinary specialization in 

Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies in the Masters of Arts in Liberal Studies 


  The Latino Data Project was developed  with the goal of making information 

available on the dynamically growing Latino population of the United States and espe-

cially New York City through the analysis of extant data available from a variety of 

sources such as the U.S. Census Bureau, the National Institute for Health, the Bureau 

of Labor Statistics, and state and local-level data sources. 



 By:  @Franero83

The biography of the Rolling Stones

When two young children of friends met again after three years of hiatus in a wagon train making the trip between London and Dartford, could not suspect that iban to engage one of the great partnerships in popular music. They were Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, who by then was calling for Richard, angry with his father, had removed as a sign of rebellion "s" from his real surname.
 Mick Jagger and Keith Richards met Brian Jones, together find a common point as his liking for American blues and decide to form a banda of Rhythm & Blues.

In 1962 Brian Jones know. This joins the group Richards, Jagger and company and decide to rename the group. The new name chosen: 'The Rolling Stones', was based on an old theme of Muddy Waters,' Rolling Stones Blues'. Soon he joined Charlie Watts, along the pianist Ian Stewart.

of a song by Chuck Berry. Then only engaged to perform versions of familiar topics. That year conducted its first tour of Great Britain.


In 1964 he published the first album, 'The Rolling Stones', which only had a song created entirely by the Rolling. The rest were versions of other artists. But were not limited to versions. The strong pace as printed items and aggressiveness in adopting their instruments gives them an air properly theirs. Undertook two tours of the United States and appear on the Ed Sullivan show.
Outside the arena marketing experts wanted to let them know as the bad guys pop / rock, as opposed to the Beatles, which could be considered the good guys. 

So, were the constant scandals that were splashed. Sometimes they were arrested for urinating in public, others for drug possession and one after another. 

In January 1965 he left his second album, 'Rolling Stones 2', who took to the influences of black American music, especially soul. 

At the time, began to arise that if they wanted to stay on top in the music world would have to contribute their grain of sand and demonstrate their creative abilities. Therefore, his manager locked them several days in a hotel to work on developing new songs and unpublished. From there emerged some of its greatest successes. Despite this, his new album 'Out of Our Heads', continued to maintain a good number of versions, reserving the new items for subsequent discs.

In 1966 launch to the market 'Aftermath', composed entirely by his subjects, leaving versions of American soul music and sounds black, and being regarded as one of their best records.


In 1967 they released 'Between The Buttoms', which was punctuated by the scandal surrounding the arrest of Jagger and Richards for possession of drugs. Items on the disc coincided with the arrest, when dealing in drugs in case of several of the songs.

With the Lp 'Their Satanic Magesties Request' took one of his greatest failures. They tried to imitate the 'Sgt. Peppers' by the Beatles, but critics accused them of following the footsteps of another British group.

In 1968 he published 'Beggars Banquet', which meant a return to the essence of the Rolling. A provocative cover that was censured by his own company and that the end appeared totally blank was the beginning. The then some provocative themes that spoke of struggles, sensuality and a reminder of black music.


In 1969 Brian Jones was found dead in his home, a victim of drugs. The group joined Mick Taylor. This was followed by the publication of a new album, 'Let It Bleed', a replica ironic to 'Let it Be' by the Beatles, at a time when the group from Liverpool Rumi its dissolution. This disc will definitely perched on top of the rock world.

In 1971 published 'Brown Sugar', the first with his own record label and 'Sticky Fingers', the first in using a design by Andy Warhol as seal lips of some of the group. The latter disc is considered one of the greats of the Rolling instrumental for its quality. In order to save taxes the Stones decided to move their accounts France.

In 1972 he published a double album, "Exile NG Main Street ', a record of high quality and very ambitious. The aim was to be the portal of entry for a large U.S. tour and had to captivate the public. He was number one in England and USA.


The decade of the seventies progressed and the Rolling continued removing discs, alternating qualities. Thus, in 1973 published 'Goats Head Soup' in 1974 and 'It's Only Rock'n Roll', for whose promotion filled the streets of London of graffiti saying 'It's only rock and roll'. It was the latest record by Mick Taylor in the banda, who was replaced by Ron Wood. Also edited a live album, 'Love You Live'.

Until 1978 not released its next studio album, 'Some Girls', seen by critics as one of his best records.

The eighties began with the signing of a contract supermillonario the Stones with CBS, the biggest so far. For him, the Stones would receive several million dollars for each disc published. Fruit of the agreement were records like 'Emotional Rescue,' followed by 'Tattoo You' in 1981, 'Stiff Life' in 1982, 'Undercover' in 1983 and 'Dirty Work' in 1986.

The disc which raised the average quality of the decade was' Steel Wheels', 1989, based on which a new macrogira world and a new live album based on that tour, 'Flashpoint'.

In 1990 he toured Japan and Europe, which were followed by more than two million spectators and generating revenues of close to two hundred million dollars.

In 1994 published a new record, 'Voodoo Lounge' and one year after exposing 'Rock And Roll Circus', recorded in 1968 and which had never been published.


In 1995 published 'Stripped' and 1997 'Bridges To Babylon' their so far latest album, which begins a new tour around the world with countless concerts and they generate some very succulent income.


In 2005, after "Bridges to Babylon", the Rolling Stones take up with "A Bigger Bang". The album opens with "Rough Justice", explosive song that defines the attitude and sponsorship of the group in London garajera music, with guitars inflame (Jagger and Richards in electric guitars, Ron Wood in the electric slide), strong rhythm section , And aggressive vocal expression affair with sexual persuasion. Big and bustling initial issue.


On February 5, 2006, The Rolling made an extraordinary 20-minute presentation, in entretiempo Superbowl of 2006, making a stop on his world tour "A Bigger Band" playing 3 subjects, "Start Me Up," "Rough Justice" and the classic "Satisfaction", unfortunately the show was ridiculously censored, because of Janet Jackson incident in 2004, delaying the transmission by 5 seconds.


The Rolling Stones, among some studio albums and especially doing tours and live discs, still active to date and is considered one of the most important rock bands of all time.



 By:  @Franero83

The biography of the Rolling Stones

When two young children of friends met again after three years of hiatus in a wagon train making the trip between London and Dartford, could not suspect that iban to engage one of the great partnerships in popular music. They were Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, who by then was calling for Richard, angry with his father, had removed as a sign of rebellion "s" from his real surname.
 Mick Jagger and Keith Richards met Brian Jones, together find a common point as his liking for American blues and decide to form a banda of Rhythm & Blues.

In 1962 Brian Jones know. This joins the group Richards, Jagger and company and decide to rename the group. The new name chosen: 'The Rolling Stones', was based on an old theme of Muddy Waters,' Rolling Stones Blues'. Soon he joined Charlie Watts, along the pianist Ian Stewart.

of a song by Chuck Berry. Then only engaged to perform versions of familiar topics. That year conducted its first tour of Great Britain.


In 1964 he published the first album, 'The Rolling Stones', which only had a song created entirely by the Rolling. The rest were versions of other artists. But were not limited to versions. The strong pace as printed items and aggressiveness in adopting their instruments gives them an air properly theirs. Undertook two tours of the United States and appear on the Ed Sullivan show.
Outside the arena marketing experts wanted to let them know as the bad guys pop / rock, as opposed to the Beatles, which could be considered the good guys. 

So, were the constant scandals that were splashed. Sometimes they were arrested for urinating in public, others for drug possession and one after another. 

In January 1965 he left his second album, 'Rolling Stones 2', who took to the influences of black American music, especially soul. 

At the time, began to arise that if they wanted to stay on top in the music world would have to contribute their grain of sand and demonstrate their creative abilities. Therefore, his manager locked them several days in a hotel to work on developing new songs and unpublished. From there emerged some of its greatest successes. Despite this, his new album 'Out of Our Heads', continued to maintain a good number of versions, reserving the new items for subsequent discs.

In 1966 launch to the market 'Aftermath', composed entirely by his subjects, leaving versions of American soul music and sounds black, and being regarded as one of their best records.


In 1967 they released 'Between The Buttoms', which was punctuated by the scandal surrounding the arrest of Jagger and Richards for possession of drugs. Items on the disc coincided with the arrest, when dealing in drugs in case of several of the songs.

With the Lp 'Their Satanic Magesties Request' took one of his greatest failures. They tried to imitate the 'Sgt. Peppers' by the Beatles, but critics accused them of following the footsteps of another British group.

In 1968 he published 'Beggars Banquet', which meant a return to the essence of the Rolling. A provocative cover that was censured by his own company and that the end appeared totally blank was the beginning. The then some provocative themes that spoke of struggles, sensuality and a reminder of black music.


In 1969 Brian Jones was found dead in his home, a victim of drugs. The group joined Mick Taylor. This was followed by the publication of a new album, 'Let It Bleed', a replica ironic to 'Let it Be' by the Beatles, at a time when the group from Liverpool Rumi its dissolution. This disc will definitely perched on top of the rock world.

In 1971 published 'Brown Sugar', the first with his own record label and 'Sticky Fingers', the first in using a design by Andy Warhol as seal lips of some of the group. The latter disc is considered one of the greats of the Rolling instrumental for its quality. In order to save taxes the Stones decided to move their accounts France.

In 1972 he published a double album, "Exile NG Main Street ', a record of high quality and very ambitious. The aim was to be the portal of entry for a large U.S. tour and had to captivate the public. He was number one in England and USA.


The decade of the seventies progressed and the Rolling continued removing discs, alternating qualities. Thus, in 1973 published 'Goats Head Soup' in 1974 and 'It's Only Rock'n Roll', for whose promotion filled the streets of London of graffiti saying 'It's only rock and roll'. It was the latest record by Mick Taylor in the banda, who was replaced by Ron Wood. Also edited a live album, 'Love You Live'.

Until 1978 not released its next studio album, 'Some Girls', seen by critics as one of his best records.

The eighties began with the signing of a contract supermillonario the Stones with CBS, the biggest so far. For him, the Stones would receive several million dollars for each disc published. Fruit of the agreement were records like 'Emotional Rescue,' followed by 'Tattoo You' in 1981, 'Stiff Life' in 1982, 'Undercover' in 1983 and 'Dirty Work' in 1986.

The disc which raised the average quality of the decade was' Steel Wheels', 1989, based on which a new macrogira world and a new live album based on that tour, 'Flashpoint'.

In 1990 he toured Japan and Europe, which were followed by more than two million spectators and generating revenues of close to two hundred million dollars.

In 1994 published a new record, 'Voodoo Lounge' and one year after exposing 'Rock And Roll Circus', recorded in 1968 and which had never been published.


In 1995 published 'Stripped' and 1997 'Bridges To Babylon' their so far latest album, which begins a new tour around the world with countless concerts and they generate some very succulent income.


In 2005, after "Bridges to Babylon", the Rolling Stones take up with "A Bigger Bang". The album opens with "Rough Justice", explosive song that defines the attitude and sponsorship of the group in London garajera music, with guitars inflame (Jagger and Richards in electric guitars, Ron Wood in the electric slide), strong rhythm section , And aggressive vocal expression affair with sexual persuasion. Big and bustling initial issue.


On February 5, 2006, The Rolling made an extraordinary 20-minute presentation, in entretiempo Superbowl of 2006, making a stop on his world tour "A Bigger Band" playing 3 subjects, "Start Me Up," "Rough Justice" and the classic "Satisfaction", unfortunately the show was ridiculously censored, because of Janet Jackson incident in 2004, delaying the transmission by 5 seconds.


The Rolling Stones, among some studio albums and especially doing tours and live discs, still active to date and is considered one of the most important rock bands of all time.

L a t i n o s in AMERICA!!!!

The Center for Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies is a research insti-

tute that works for the advancement of the study of Latin America, the Caribbean, and 

Latinos in the United States in the doctoral programs at the CUNY Graduate Center.  

One of its major priorities is to provide funding and research opportunities to Latino 

students at the Ph.D. level.    

  The Center established and helps administer an interdisciplinary specialization in 

Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies in the Masters of Arts in Liberal Studies 


  The Latino Data Project was developed  with the goal of making information 

available on the dynamically growing Latino population of the United States and espe-

cially New York City through the analysis of extant data available from a variety of 

sources such as the U.S. Census Bureau, the National Institute for Health, the Bureau 

of Labor Statistics, and state and local-level data sources. 

sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010

New Short-Films (Counterpoint) (Punto 40)

This Image of the New Short-Films (Counterpoint)

 (Punto 40).         Original Story by: Franero

New Short-Films (Counterpoint) (Punto 40)

This Image of the New Short-Films (Counterpoint)

 (Punto 40).         Original Story by: Franero

New Short-Films (Counterpoint) (Punto 40)

This Image of the New Short-Films (Counterpoint)

 (Punto 40).         Original Story by: Franero

Letter to my mind !!!




Today, like every other day, we wake up empty
and frightened. Don't open the door to the study
and begin reading. Take down a musical instrument.

Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase each other
doesn't make any sense.

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don't go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don't go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the doorsill
where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don't go back to sleep.


I would love to kiss you.
The price of kissing is your life.
Now my loving is running to my life shouting,
What a bargain, let's buy it.

Daylight, full of small dancing particles
and the one great turning, our souls
are dancing with you, without feet, they dance.
Can you see them when I whisper in your ear?
They try to say what you are, spiritual or sexual?  They wonder about Solomon and all his wives.

In the body of the world, they say, there is a soul
and you are that.        But we have ways within each other
that will never be said by anyone.   Come to the orchard in Spring.
There is light and wine, and sweethearts in the pomegranate flowers.

If you do not come, these do not matter.
If you do come, these do not matter.

So that is how I learned the lesson that everyone is alone. And your eyes must do some raining if you are ever going to grow. But when crying don't help and you can't compose yourself. It is best to compose a poem, an honest verse of longing or simple song of hope. That is why I'm singing... 
Baby don't worry cause now I got your back. And every time you feel like crying, I'm gonna try and make you laugh. And if I can't, if it just hurts too bad, then we will wait for it to pass and I will keep you company through those days so long and black. And we'll keep working on the problem we know we'll never solve Of Love's uneven remainders, our lives are fractions of a whole.
But if the world could remain within a frame like a painting on a wall.Then I think we would see the beauty.Then we would stand staring in awe at our still lives posed like a bowl of oranges, like a story told by the fault lines and the soil. - Bright Eyes

Why do I fall in love with every woman I see who shows me the least bit of attention? - Eternal Sunshine

I don't know what you heard about me, but I'm a different kind of cop. I'm from the streets, and I'm the laaaast cop you'll ever want to mess with in a darkened al... dark alley... 
Nobody fucks with the Jesus. 


    The world need very creativity for have solutions to the problems around this planet. In this Site you would make the opinion to respect (Comment). 




    The world need very creativity for have solutions to the problems around this planet. In this Site you would make the opinion to respect (Comment). 



    The world need very creativity for have solutions to the problems around this planet. In this Site you would make the opinion to respect (Comment). 




    In all world there are places wonderful like TORONTO.  I like much!!!     Trinitary Flowers.

jueves, 15 de abril de 2010

It´s Seven O´clocks Somewhere (Franero)

El siguiente es un Guión de adaptación que realicé para un guionismo de adaptación. Está basado en una historia en inglés que se llama It's seven o'clock somewhere. SON LAS 7:00 AM EN ALGUN LUGAR (ANIMACIÓN)

1.- INTERIOR / CASA / DIA / Un despertador electrónico marca las 7:00 a.m. LA VOZ DEL DESPERTADOR QUE SE ESCUCHA POR TODA LA CASA DICE: hoy es primero de noviembre del 2026, siete de la mañana hora de levantarse, siete de la mañana hora de levantarse. La regadera empieza a rociar agua y no se ve nadie. EL DESPERTADOR: siete y media, hora de desayunar, siete y media hora de desayunar.

EN SEGUNDO PLANO EL GOLPETEO DEL AGUA CON EL PISO. La cocina comienza a preparar el desayuno por sí sola pues está automatizada. Sale la mesa. Los panes botan del tostador. Los huevos se fríen y se ve una cucaracha que camina por la estufa. EN PRIMER PLANO EL DESPERTADOR: hoy es el cumpleaños del abuelo y viene a cenar, hay que pagar el agua y la luz. EN SEGUNDO PLANO LOS RUIDOS COMUNES DE UNA COCINA. EL FREÍR DE LOS HUEVOS. EL SALTAR DE LOS PANES EN EL TOSTADOR. EL MOTOR DE LA MESA.

2.- EXTERIOR / CASA / DIA En el jardín se prende el sistema de riego, se ve la casa en plano general, en ella se encuentran plasmadas los negativos de una mujer que se encontraba cortando las plantas y de tres niños que jugaban (fueron muertos por una bomba nuclear.


INTERIOR / CASA / DIA / Un reloj de pared marca las 2:30 p.m. EN PRIMER PLANO LA VOZ DEL DESPERTADOR: 2:30 hora de comer, 2:30 hora de comer. EN SEGUNDO PLANO EL CAMINAR O TIC TAC DEL RELOJ. La mesa se encuentra servida, de las cacerolas sale vapor por lo calientes que están. EL FUERTE SILBIDO DEL AIRE QUE GOLPEA CON LA CASA VACÍA. El despertador eléctrico marca las 6:30 p.m. EL ESTRUENDO DE UN RAYO. EL DESPERTADOR: hora del baño de los niños, hora del baño de los niños LA LLUVIA SE DESATA Y GOLPEA EL TECHO Y HACE ECO CON LA CASA DESHABITADA. La tina está casi hasta el tope de agua y continúa llenándose. EL DESPERTADOR: La mesa está servida, hora de cenar, hora de cenar. EN SEGUNDO PLANO EL CAER DEL AGUA EN LA TINA QUE SE CONFUNDE CON LA LLUVIA.

3 INTERIOR / CASA / NOCHE La cena está lista. La mesa se encuentra puesta. El vino está en su punto. Las copas llenas. El estofado humeante. Se ve como cae un rayo por la ventana. LA LLUVIA CONTINÚA, EL AIRE GOLPEA, UN RAYO HACE UN ESTRUENDO IMPRESIONANTE. Dentro de la cocina se prende fuego, todos los aparatos comienzan a funcionar alocadamente, se activan los extintores que se encuentra colocados en el techo y cae mucha agua. EN UN COLLAGE DE SONIDO EL DESPERTADOR GRITA: fuego, fuego, peligro fuego. EL AGUA CAE, LA LLUVIA REBOTA EN EL TECHO, SE PRENDE LA TELEVISIÓN Y SE ESCUCHA PURO RUIDO, EL VIENTO SOPLA MUY FUERTE.

EXTERIOR / CASA / DIA En un plano general se ve la casa destrozada, sale mucho humo, es un día soleado y está todo en calma. Únicamente queda de pie la pared en donde se encuentran los negativos impresos. En un plano particular se ve como sale la cucaracha de entre los escombros. EL DESPERTADOR: son las 7:00 am del 2 de Noviembre del 2026. LIGERA BRISA. Fin……. (The End)……… FRANERO.

sábado, 10 de abril de 2010

Guion para Cortometraje.01 (PUBLICO)

Escaleta: “Muertos de Risa” de Carácter Público (Resumen)
Escena 1: Int – Noche – Avenida de la ciudad – Nino, Bruno, policía.Nino y Bruno, cada uno en su auto, son perseguidos por la policía.Escena 2: Int – Noche – Auto de Nino – Nino Conduce y mira hacia su costado para ver a Bruno. Escena 3 : Int – Noche – Auto de Bruno – Bruno Conduce y mira hacia su costado para ver a Nino. Escena 4: Ext – Noche – Estacionamiento del canal de TV – Nino y Bruno Llegan al canal de TV y estacionan sus autos. Escena 5: Int – Noche – Pasillos del Canal de TV – Nino y Bruno Nino y Bruno entran al canal de TV sucios y lastimados mientras son cuestionados por el personal de seguridad. Escena 6: Ext – Noche – Estacionamiento del canal de TV – Policía Las patrullas estacionan frente al canal y salen en busca de Nino y Bruno. Escena 7: Int – Sala de monitoreo del Canal de TV – Julián. Julián y el supervisor del canal conversan sorprendidos por la llegada de Nino y Bruno. Escena 8: Int – Sala de maquillaje del canal de TV – Nino, Bruno y Julián. Nino y Bruno son maquillados mientras Julián habla con ellos. Escena 9: Int – Noche – Pasillos del canal de TV – Nino, Bruno y Julián Nino y Bruno salen de la sala de maquillaje y se dirigen hacia el estudio de TV, Julián aleja a los fotógrafos, entran al estudio Escena 10: Int – Noche – Estudio del canal de TV – Nino y Bruno Nino y Bruno entran al estudio mientras el público los aclama Escena 11: Int – Noche – Pasillos del canal de TV – Julián, supervisor, policía La policía cuestiona a Julián y al supervisor y les piden para poder pasar al estudio. Se escuchan disparos y entran al estudio. Escena 12: Int – Estudio del canal de TV – Nino, Bruno, Julián Nino y Bruno se disparan en el piso mientras la audiencia se ríe. Julián entra al estudio los ve y llama a una ambulancia a gritos, la gente enloquece. Julián se sienta y comienza a relatar como Nino y Bruno se conocieron. Escena 13: Ext – Noche – Salón del Bar – Nino y Bruno Nino canta sobre el escenario, un grupo de pandilleros ebrios está situado en un rincón. El líder envía a una cabrita, la mascota del grupo, hacia el escenario para fastidiar a Nino. Escena 14: Int – Noche – Barra del Bar – Bruno Bruno habla por teléfono acerca de una deuda económica. Escena 15 : Int – Noche – Salón del bar – Nino. Nino canta nervioso y mira hacia el rincón del bar de ves en cuando.(SI DESEA EL RESTO DE LA HISTORIA, ENVIE UN EMAIL DE SOLICITUD A:

jueves, 8 de abril de 2010

Vanguardia del buen Diseño

Este articulo va dirigido a aquellas personas del buen gusto en el diseño Vanguardista, con cada detalle en las fotografias aqui mostrada, con la intencion de que el lector pueda apreciar los diferentes diseños producto de la Arquitectura moderna inspirada en la Ingenieria de diseño, para un buen estilo de vida..

lunes, 5 de abril de 2010

The Prince Turkish


Disfrutar pero con Seguridad...

La plenitud... es una gran virtud para nosotros, pero hay tomar consciencia de lo que hacemos.........
Grandioso es el Sexo, cuando estamos en el acto...

Pero cuidado que eso trae consecuensias para estar mas seguros NO DEJEMOS CAER EL PRESERVATIVO..

Sexo y Protección (Sex and Safe)...

Cuando Hablamos en nuestra conversaciones, de diferentes temas muchas veces sale a relucir quizas timidamente la palabra *sexo (sex)*; pero esa intuicion no es mas que hablar de nosotros mismos de nuestra naturaleza, En este Blog.. quiero a parte de tratar y hablar de este tema mostrar tantas cosas que forman nuestra vida.