In God We Trust

In God We Trust
In God We Trust

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jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011

El tsunami revolucionario/The Revolutionary Tsunami

Artículo Tomado de Un Diario Venezolano; (El Universal) Sección Opinión

Autora: THAYS PEÑALVER.  Tema de Dominio Público.

Edición: Franero 2011


Desde que el primer tsunami fue conocido por Latinoamérica en 1992 cuando olas devastadoras impactaron sobre Nicaragua, pasando por otras gigantescas que arrasaron a Japón, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India y Tailandia ningún tsunami ha sido tan devastador como el tsunami revolucionario. Este último logró más muertos por arma de fuego, que la suma de lo que lograra la naturaleza en 17 países. Hoy, después de 11 años vivimos en una permanente crisis humanitaria, que ha traído médicos extranjeros para asistirnos, pero a diferencia de las tragedias naturales, estos no se van y a esa ayuda "desinteresada" debemos pagarla en "dólares fuertes" a tal punto que este año les estaremos dando 3.650 millones de dólares, más que el presupuesto correspondiente a la salud venezolana. 

Como en toda tragedia, a la nuestra más de 10 países han "sumado sus esfuerzos" para construir 2 millones de viviendas a los afectados. Este generoso esfuerzo se le pagará a los chinos, cubanos, bielorrusos, brasileños, turcos, uruguayos, argentinos, iraníes y rusos con los siempre bien recibidos "dólares petroleros" bajo la mirada complaciente de los revolucionarios, incapaces de pegar un ladrillo. Y de la misma manera en esta tragedia humanitaria, los extranjeros nos proporcionan también la comida pues los campos venezolanos y la ganadería quedaron aniquilados por el devastador tsunami. 

Mientras tanto, los venezolanos vivimos horrorizados en nuestro "Chernobil tropical" esperando que de un momento a otro desde la planta nuclear de Miraflores nos pongan a todos en orbita cualquier domingo o en cualquier cadena. Tampoco sabemos si lograrán enfriarse los reactores del Ministerio de Finanzas, donde se juega lo poco que queda de nuestra economía. 

Lamento la comparación en esta hora aciaga de los japoneses, pero es que hay pueblos, cuya única riqueza es su inmensa capacidad de lucha, el respeto al trabajo y afán de progreso y superación. Japón superó 2 bombas atómicas, cuatro accidentes en sus plantas nucleares, así como superará estos nuevos también. Japón se ha reconstruido por los bombardeos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial virtualmente desde las cenizas de sus casas de madera, pero lo hicieron incluso contra la radiación atómica, 21 terremotos mayores, 14 erupciones volcánicas, 12 tifones y tres tsunamis, contra las pandemias de los cerdos, los equinos y las aves, mientras del otro lado del mundo, Venezuela todavía conserva las heridas de una inundación. Por eso hay pueblos que han caído no una sino varias veces y siempre se han levantado con la frente en alto, son pueblos que cuentan solo con sus manos para levantar a sus países sin ninguna riqueza en sus suelos y que solamente reciben una bolsa de comida, cuando la naturaleza les hace una mala pasada, porque no conciben la prebenda y el regalo como un modo de ganarse la vida, por eso básicamente es por lo que surgen en el concierto de las naciones entre las más prósperas, civilizadas y con una inmensa dignidad. 

Pido una oración por el noble y sufrido, pero orgulloso pueblo de Japón. Que Dios Todopoderoso les de fortaleza para afrontar esta nueva tragedia, de la que seguramente surgirán más unidos en el esfuerzo y en su amor por el trabajo. Para mi país pido una reflexión: hay pueblos que son arrasados por la fuerza de la naturaleza, de eso nadie puede escapar, pero hay países que se dejan arrastrar por la destructiva fuerza de la "naturaleza humana", solo que contra el yugo de un dictador tercermundista y sus deseos enfermos de perpetuidad en el poder, sí se puede luchar.



Translate: Franero 2011

The Revolutionary Tsunami


Since  the first  tsunami was known in Latin America in 1992 whendevastating waves struck on Nicaragua, through other giant thatswept Japan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand no tsunamiwas so devastating as the tsunami revolutionary. The latter resulted in more deaths by firearms, that the sum of what nature achieved in 17 countries. Today, after 11 years we lived in a permanenthumanitarian crisis that has brought foreign physicians to assist us,but unlike natural tragedies, they are not going and that helps"disinterested" must pay the "strong dollar " to the extent that Thisyear we will be giving U.S. $ 3,650 million more than the budget forhealth in Venezuela.

As in every tragedy, to our more than 10 countries have "joined forces" to build 2 million houses for those affected. This generous effort will be paid to the Chinese, Cubans, Belarus, Brazil, Turkey, Uruguay, Argentina, Iran and Russia with the always welcome "oil dollars" under the complacent gaze of the revolutionaries, incapable of hitting a brick. And in the same way in this humanitarian tragedy, foreigners also give us food for Venezuelan fields and livestock were destroyed by the devastating tsunami.

Meanwhile, Venezuelans live horrified at our "tropical Chernobyl" hoping that at any moment from the nuclear plant Miraflores put us all into orbit on any Sunday or on any string. We do not know if it failed to dampen the reactors of the Ministry of Finance, where he plays what is left of our economy.

I regret the unfortunate comparison in this hour of the Japanese, but there are people, whose only asset is his immense capacity for struggle, respect for work and desire for progress and improvement. Japan exceeded 2 atomic bombs, four accidents in nuclear plants and exceeds these new as well. Japan was rebuilt by the bombings of World War II virtually from the ashes of their wooden houses, but they did even against nuclear radiation, 21 major earthquakes, volcanic eruptions 14, 12 typhoons and three tsunamis, pandemics of pigs, horses and birds, while the other side of the world, Venezuela still has the wounds of a flood. So there are people who have fallen not once but several times and have always been raised with our heads held high, are people who have only their hands to lift their countries without any wealth in their soil and that only get a bag of food when nature makes them a trick, because they conceive the perks and the gift as a way of earning a living, so basically it encountered in the concert of nations among the most prosperous, civilized and a great dignity.

Request a prayer for the noble and suffering, but the proud people of Japan. May Almighty God give them strength to face this new tragedy, which will surely emerge more united in their effort and their love for the job. For my country I ask a question: are people who are devastated by the force of nature that nobody can escape, but there are countries that are drawn by the destructive force of "human nature", only the yoke of a Third World dictator and sick desires perpetuity in power, they can fight.


domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011

National Park "La Llovizna" Beautiful Place

By: Franero 2011 

This Video is about the Naturally of the National Park "La Llovizna", is localized to south of Venezuela in South America. This Video is part of My Experimental process in Short Film. I hope by your comments.  Thanks!   

Edition/Photography/Production: By Franero (Francisco J López)

Este Video es parte de la Naturalidad del Parque Nacional "La Llovizna", esta ubicado al Sur de Venezuela en LatinoAmerica. Este Video es parte de Mi proceso o tarea experimental en Corto-Metrajes. Espero Os Guste y podeis Comentar. Gracias!



viernes, 28 de enero de 2011


Since 1986, the Berlin International Film Festival has presented the Berlinale Camera to film personalities or institutions to which it feels particularly indebted and wishes to express its thanks. At the 61st Berlin International Film Festival Israeli film pioneer Lia van Leer, outgoing president of ARTE Jérôme Clément as well as Berlin’s arthouse cinema owners Franz and Rosemarie Stadler will be awarded Berlinale Cameras.







The Berlinale has been even more committed to supporting the next generation of film makers since 2006, when it introduced the Best First Feature Award. The award is endowed with 50,000 Euros, donated by the GWFF, a society dedicated to safeguarding film and television rights. The prize money is to be split between the producer and the director of the winning film. Additionally, the director will be awarded with a high-quality viewfinder as both a useful instrument and memorable trophy. This year's jury members are Bettina Brokemper, Assaf Gavron and Michèle Ohayon.

  It’s a tradition for the Berlinale to present restored masterpieces in theBerlinale Special programme: Thirty-five years after its premiere, the Berlinale will screen a 4K digital restoration of Martin Scorsese’s cult film Taxi Driver. Writer and director Paul Schrader, who wrote the film's screenplay, will present the restored version at the world premiere in Berlin together with restoration expert Grover Crisp of Sony Pictures.


Under the title “Framespotting – Filmmakers Positioning Themselves”, the ninth Berlinale Talent Campus opens its doors to 350 of the most gifted up-and-coming professionals in the international world of film. Programme manager Matthijs Wouter Knol and project manager Christine Tröstrum explain in an interview what is meant by aided discovery of one’s position, how the Campus and its guest experts can contribute to the process and why choosing a direction isn’t necessarily restricting oneself.




Since 1986, the Berlin International Film Festival has presented the Berlinale Camera to film personalities or institutions to which it feels particularly indebted and wishes to express its thanks. At the 61st Berlin International Film Festival Israeli film pioneer Lia van Leer, outgoing president of ARTE Jérôme Clément as well as Berlin’s arthouse cinema owners Franz and Rosemarie Stadler will be awarded Berlinale Cameras.







The Berlinale has been even more committed to supporting the next generation of film makers since 2006, when it introduced the Best First Feature Award. The award is endowed with 50,000 Euros, donated by the GWFF, a society dedicated to safeguarding film and television rights. The prize money is to be split between the producer and the director of the winning film. Additionally, the director will be awarded with a high-quality viewfinder as both a useful instrument and memorable trophy. This year's jury members are Bettina Brokemper, Assaf Gavron and Michèle Ohayon.

  It’s a tradition for the Berlinale to present restored masterpieces in theBerlinale Special programme: Thirty-five years after its premiere, the Berlinale will screen a 4K digital restoration of Martin Scorsese’s cult film Taxi Driver. Writer and director Paul Schrader, who wrote the film's screenplay, will present the restored version at the world premiere in Berlin together with restoration expert Grover Crisp of Sony Pictures.


Under the title “Framespotting – Filmmakers Positioning Themselves”, the ninth Berlinale Talent Campus opens its doors to 350 of the most gifted up-and-coming professionals in the international world of film. Programme manager Matthijs Wouter Knol and project manager Christine Tröstrum explain in an interview what is meant by aided discovery of one’s position, how the Campus and its guest experts can contribute to the process and why choosing a direction isn’t necessarily restricting oneself.